Make it Mentionable with Alyssa Patmos

How to Deal With Your Inner Critics

Alyssa Patmos Season 1 Episode 33

How we perceive a situation directly influences how we respond. But what or who determines your perception—you or your inner critic?

Tune in to discover:

💋🎙 How to recognize your inner critics

💋🎙 Sneaky voices that may mean an inner critic stole the show

💋🎙 Why trying to banish inner critics doesn’t work and what to do instead

So if you’ve ever...

-Spent an entire shower overthinking what you said at dinner last night,

-Felt uncomfortable relinquishing control,

-Passed up an opportunity because you worried you weren’t good enough,

-Reread an email four times before hitting send to make sure it was perfect,

-Felt guilty for not checking off your last to-do item, 

-Shamed yourself for indulging in that third drink,

...this episode was recorded for you.

The show notes and transcript for the episode are available here:


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